How to Grow Orchids at Home, Mary George, a native of Delhi, has 1,000 other plants in her lovely orchid garden, including roses and succulents. Having grown up in Delhi and originally from Kerala, Mary George had a natural affinity for horticulture. She attributes her success to her mother, a passionate gardener who possessed nearly every kind of plant, both indoors and out. Thus, Mary had practiced caring for the plants since she was a young child. Because of Delhi’s harsh weather, maintaining a garden’s attractiveness is a difficult undertaking. Mary tells The Better India, “But once you get the swing of things, everything will fall into place. The patio, ground, and balcony comprise the 63-year-old’s garden.
In addition, every other room in the house has indoor plants. She has at least a thousand plants in her garden now, including various indoor plants as well as succulents, roses, lilies, and palms. “While touring Kerala, I also gather new plant types from garden nurseries throughout India, including Sikkim. My mother did most of the job; I was only an assistant. Now since she passed away the previous year, I take full responsibility for all the plants and give them the best care possible,” the retired biology teacher, who is currently self-employed as an educational consultant, said.Although Mary has a garden full of plants, her orchid collection is something she is especially fond of.
The lack of orchid cultivation in Delhi is the cause of this. In Delhi, I belong to numerous gardening groups. None of the members, however, cultivates orchids. The intense heat and severe winters are difficult for these plants to endure. Only a year has passed since Mary began her orchid garden. She currently has 25–30 orchids in her collection, all of which are displayed both inside and outside the home in pots, cones, and baskets. In addition to gardening, Mary likes to write blogs and tweet gardening-related advice. “It instantly improves my mood to the garden.” Every plant is a child to me. I really feel so happy taking care of them,” she exclaims.
Mary is a member of numerous gardening groups in Delhi and enjoys a sizable fan base on Twitter. “I post images of my plants and garden to the groups. The limits prevent me from venturing into the plant sales business. As I’m not an expert, not all plants would be robust enough to be sold,” she adds.One can get hooked on orchid cultivation. But only if you are aware of your orchid’s genus can you properly care for it. In nurseries, the majority of orchids are hybrids that are grown for their flowers. They are simple to take care of in offices and homes.
But other considerations should be made, such as humidity and light. A plant will flourish if you can replicate its native environment. Orchids are lovely blooming plants that smell delicious. They are different in terms of size, shape, color, and aroma. Their primary applications are in bouquets and décor. To take care of the plant, orchids need a lot of maintenance. The majority of orchids are simple-leafed perennial herbs. If the right conditions are met, they will develop into blooms. Orchid plant meaning, orchids are often associated with love and romance, similar to roses.
Due to their ease of home growth, the most widely accessible orchids, including the Moth Orchid, Phalaenopsis, and Cattleya, are extremely well-liked. Because they bloom again in most settings that windowsill growers can provide, Phalaenopsis hybrids are commonly referred to as “beginners’ orchids.” Lower light is needed for them. Variations in humidity are not a problem for African violets. However, overwatering causes them to quickly disappear. Another issue is underwatering. A plant known as Vanda is mentioned in Vedic writings; this word has been adopted as a general term for one of the most exquisite families of orchids.
Also, they grow in air rather than soil, in contrast to most other plants. They take in moisture and nutrients from the forest that wash over them through their roots, which cling to trees or rocks, according to Dr. Rahman. SOMETHING The common misconception among novices is that similar to other blossoming flowers, orchids must be potted in Orchid Potting Mix. A serious error would be made there. There is significantly more air that most orchid roots require than potting soil can provide. Find a permeable mixture, then.

Orchid plant light requirements:
Avoid being under direct sunlight. Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum, among other common orchid species, like low light, while Cattleya and Vanda flourish in strong light. As much light as an orchid can handle should be provided. Compared to varieties with thinner or more horizontal leaves, those with thicker, erect leaves can withstand lighter conditions. One of the most frequent errors made by novices is using too little light.

Orchid plant temperature requirements:
Daytime highs of 21 to 29 degrees Celsius are ideal for warm-growing orchids. Phalaenopsis orchids are among them. Plants that are routinely accessible and sold in nurseries thrive in temperatures that are comfortable for people.

Orchid humidity requirements:
Nearly 70% humidity in the air is ideal for orchids, which is higher than typical homes’ humidity levels. For this reason, you need to try to provide your plants with more moisture. Spray bottle misting is frequently appreciated by orchids. Some moisture will be beneficial to the plant’s aerial roots if they are growing upward and out of the pot. The planter can be stored on a tray at home. Stuff gravel and water into it. The evaporation of the water will supply the plant with additional humidity. This method comes in quite handy for anyone who keeps tropical plants on a windowsill.

Orchid plant nutrition:
For growth, orchids require calcium, magnesium, potassium, Sulphur, phosphorus, and nitrogen.

Orchid plant watering:
Compared to underwatering, overwatering kills a lot more orchids. Don’t water when in doubt. The amount of time an orchid requires watering is also greatly influenced by the potting mix. Most orchid varieties are offered in mixes that require weekly watering. Water not until the soil is almost completely dry. Simply immerse the orchid pot in a pail of water for a short while, then lift it out and allow any excess water to run off.

Orchid plant pruning:
Orchid pruning is a common question among novices. It is a good idea to trim old flower stems that have turned brown. It may rebloom if it’s still green, either from the tip or by branching farther back on the stem. Only dead or brown leaves, roots, or flower stalks should be pruned off of orchids. To prevent the spread of illnesses among plants, you should either sterilize your cutting instruments or use disposable ones.
When new roots begin to sprout, it’s the ideal moment to report. What are you waiting for then? Launch into action! Where to cut orchid stem after bloom? Using a sharp knife or pruning shears, make a cut 1-2 inches above the node on the stem. It’s crucial to make a precise cut to encourage healthy growth. By trimming the stem above the node, you encourage the Orchid to produce new leaves and flowers.

And to assist you in setting up, here are some final pointers:
- Do a ton of study on orchid gardening and which varieties are appropriate for your local climate before establishing the garden. Vanda orchids, for instance, are not tolerant of excessive heat. For additional information of this kind, consult books or the Internet.
- Determine where in your home the pots should be placed in relation to the amount of sunlight. Verify that the plants are receiving sunshine in the morning and evening.
- Select the appropriate container for the plant. When the majority of the atmosphere is at a high temperature, terracotta pots are useful. In a similar vein, hanging pots have their uses.
- Select the appropriate potting mixture. No dirt for orchids! Orchids require a mixture of coal, coco-chips, orchid bark, and Sphagnum moss layered in layers.
- When planting orchid seedlings, use robust specimens. Gather them from a local nursery run by knowledgeable gardeners.
- Pay attention to what the plants need. When gardening, overwatering and underwatering are frequent problems that should be avoided.
- For plants, spraying is a more effective method than watering.
- Keep an eye out for weeds or diseases. Never skip a day to examine the flora up close.
- For orchids, liquid fertilizers such as basfoliar kelp work well. Apply a single coat every fortnight.
- Stay as close to organic fertilizers as you can. The plants’ lifespan will be extended as a result.

Their true beauty, in all its forms, sizes, colors, and scents, surprises you just when you are about to give up. Additionally, Dr. SL Rahman, joint secretary of The Agric Horticultural Society of India, notes that they require a lot of upkeep as most attractive things do. It’s not always hard to grow orchids, though. For certain ones, there is no end. In India, there are said to be about 1,300 different species of orchids, with the majority of them being found in the Northeast (Assam, Meghalaya, and Arunachal Pradesh), Sikkim, and south India.
If grown in the proper conditions (temperature of at least 16–17oC), orchids are often perennial herbs with simple leaves that endure for eight weeks before the blooms gradually fade. They bloom again gradually. Be careful: Don’t cut off the aerial roots, and don’t ever take the orchids out of the pots they are rooting in.